Subscription : Eye-02 camera

The Eye-02 camera is activated with a SIM card and with a subscription to the Jablotool company.
You have the choice to buy your own SIM card to the operator of your choice or to join us to provide this provision.

Assumption 1 : you have your SIM card. You don’t need to purchase a subscription nearby Advanced Tracking and we invite you to get in touch with the Jabtool company to suscribe directly with them to access their services.

Assumption 2 : We furnish directly a SIM card Multi-operators Europe with a capacity of 100 Mo/month and the subscription with the Jablotool services for a global amount of 30 € TTC/month (360 € TTC/year).

In this last case, please fill out and validate the fields below.

As soon as your form and paiment are received, the access to the services will be activated within 72 hours (working days) or later if you mentioned it (see the dedicated rubric after).

In case of intrusion, you will be warned by mail or texted on the mobile of your choice. Please fill out the fields below :
In order to receive all the functions of your camera (access, control, etc..), you have to go to the following website :
To login, you have to enter the email you just informed above and a password (minimum 6 characters). We take care to make the steps to open your account. Please define it below :
The subscription is 360 € all included per year.
Credit card
Bank Transfer
Bank details Advanced Tracking :
IBAN : FR76 3000 3021 0300 0201 0482 845
Direct Debit
In order to meet the new standards, please fill out the following form « SEPA Direct Debit Mandate ». You can then print it and return it signed by post to the following address :

51 rue du Port de la Plage
A link will be offered to download and print your SEPA after validation of your subscription
Validation of the subscription contract